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Please share, and give if you can. If everyone gives just a little bit, we can make a surprising difference this Christmas.

For day 6, we’re looking at a suggestion that came from a private message on Twitter. The NL Special Olympics is a wonderful program that helps people with an intellectual disability. It enriches their lives by providing quality programs, and a healthy environment for everyone.

12 Charities For Christmas: Day 6 - NL Special Olympics

NL Special Olympics

The Special Olympics came to Newfoundland and Labrador in the mid-1980s. With the help of Tom Woodford LTD, 4 athletes from Newfoundland and Labrador attended the 1986 Special Olympics in Calgary. Now, the organization has grown to over a thousand people, between athletes, volunteer coaches, and corporate sponsors!

And that’s a lot of people! But the great thing about the NL Special Olympics is that the focus is completely on the athlete. Everyone involved – coaches, caregivers, volunteers, and family – work to help the athletes meet their absolute best potential.

The best way to sum up what they’re about is to quote them:

Special Olympics is about sports, but it is also about so much more.  For children, youth, and adults with an intellectual disability, Special Olympics becomes a place of welcome – a place where they will be accepted for who they are and given the chance to be their best.

When you donate to the NL Special Olympics, you help in a number of ways. You support the continuation of their programs, resources for athletes and volunteers, and the ability to attend competitions.

There are a number of ways for you to donate:

  • Make a personal donation
  • Sponsor The Special Olympics Festival
  • Draft an athlete
  • Become a chapter partner
  • Attend fundraising events

So if you’re giving this season, consider donating to the NL Special Olympics!

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