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Top Local Spots To Shop For Christmas (And All Year)

Okay, so

We all know it’s coming. Some of you are (like me) super excited and are already eyeing those tinsel-filled boxes. (If you haven’t pulled them out already.) Some of you are plugging your ears and chanting “fa-la-la-notlistening-la-la-la” because it’s still November. But whatever your feelings at this point in the year, it’s still coming.


And let’s be honest. You want to beat the rush. You want to know all the best gifts and where to get them. And best of all, you want to buy local.

Shop Local St. John's


Delaying Hibernation: Things To Do In St. John’s In The Fall

Okay, so I know a lot of people are super pumped about fall. And I get it. Comfy sweaters, warm drinks, colourful leaves, Halloween. Lots of cool things. But for people like me, summer is when we come alive. I’m a hibernator. When the weather gets cool, I crawl under my coziest blanket(s) and the only people who can get me to leave it are the ones who literally pay me to. (Pfft. Jobs and stuff, amirite?)

The summer is when I come alive. It’s my time to shine. So when it ends, I’m sad and cranky, and a little cold.

But that’s not fair to fall. It really is a great time of year, especially if you can get past the icky weather.

So if you find yourself feeling like this in St. John’s over the next couple of months, here are some suggestions to get you out of that hibernation prep feeling.
