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Last time I wrote about Repartee, I was waiting on their newest album. And when the album was released in April, my word, was it ever worth the wait.

You’ve maybe definitely heard their first single from the album, Dukes. It has been captivating people all over Canada, causing involuntary head nodding and loud chants of “Put your dukes up!!!” The song has literally hundreds of thousands of plays on Spotify, is hitting several top hit list across the country, and Much has been playing the video regularly. Last time I wrote about Repartee, I told you that they are going to be a household name, and they are well on their way.

Dukes is just one part of the dance pop perfection that is All Lit Up. The whole album is a carefully crafted work of art mixing the raw talent of Megan, Nick, Josh, and Robbie with a further venture into electronic instrumentals than long-time fans have ever seen from the band.
The album’s title track is a great slow build into the all out jamming that you will be doing through the whole playlist. Starting with a solid beat that gets the head bobbing even just slightly, it builds into Megan’s sultry voice and the energy climbs with the appearance of Robbie’s guitar until finally you hit the chorus and you’re full on dancing without even having realized it.
Long time fans are super glad to see that they’re biggest local hit is sticking around. Die B4 U has always been that song, the one that you wait for in the set list, no matter how much you equally love all their songs. They sing it to you, and you sing it back at the top of your lungs. Die B4 U is modern love song that mixes suggestive imagery and words of deep seeded romance. Its beautiful lyrics, catchy melody and driving beat are reminiscent of a racing heart – it’s enough to give you cold shivers. And if that doesn’t work, the newly added bridge certainly will.
In juxtaposition to that, the album’s slow jam – Carelessly, Carelessly – paints a picture of the toxicity of a push-and-pull relationship. The heavy drum groove is infectious, and yet the panning of the drums resemble the same confusion that is presented in the lyrics. Not content with being simple and pretty, the synths growl and squeal, melodically recreating the atmosphere about which Megan is singing.
One of the major highlights of the album for me is Megan’s lyrics. Yes, there are typical love and anti-love songs. But the most common theme throughout all of Repartee’s songs tends to be strength, resolve, and self-faith. Really, Megan’s a better advocate for Girl Power than all the Spice Girls combined.

Nowhere is this more evident than the album’s two middle songs.
Nice Girls is an anthem for women who are finding, or who own their strength and independence. Megan tells us “Whatever doesn’t kill me makes me stronger every time,” “Be bold,” and “there’s no room for those with no backbone.” She reminds us that we’ve just “…gotta be tough, gotta be brave,” and there’s no more playing it safe. It’s the kind of song that makes you want to jump out of bed, put on your favourite eyeliner, and ass-kick your way to the top. The top of what? Whatever. Who cares! All you know is that you’re ready to take on the world.
But the song that really builds me up more than anything is Electric Every Day. So much so, that I made an embroidery to hang on my wall next to my bed so it can serve as a daily reminder of Megan’s advice.
Electric Every Day is a full-blast energy dance song that will fill you to your very bones with optimism and determination. “I know you want it,” Megan says, “but you’ve gotta be brave: electric every day!” She tells us to “spark the lightning that’s inside of [our] veins,” perhaps not realizing that she has already done that with this song. Throw in a between-lines fist pumping cheer, and Megan chanting energetically “gotta make it, make it electric!” and there is no greater motivator in this universe.
So basically what I’m saying is that you need this album in your life, and if you don’t already have it there’s a huge void in your heart whether you realize it or not. Josh, Nick, and Robbie are masters of their respective crafts, and Megan is becoming a Canadian queen to rival Bey. (Queen Mey…g? Something like that.) So check them out, and add a half hour dance party to your day. Every day.