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Last summer on one of my trips to beloved Bonavista, Liam and I were lucky enough to catch the duo Fortunate Ones at the Garrick Theatre. And let me tell you something: there is nothing in the world like hearing two voices who fell in love, with hearts and minds that followed suit.
Earlier this month Fortunate Ones, aka Andrew James O’Brien and Catherine Allan, released their debut album The Bliss. And I am here to tell you that you need this album in your life. I got an advanced copy at the aforementioned show, and it’s been in prominent rotation ever since.

The album is a mix of romance and beautiful positivity. Songs like “Solitary Spark” and the title track “The Bliss” are bursting with sunny disposition. “Without A Name” is a beautiful telling of the moment they met. “Picture In A Frame,” a Tom Waits cover, is simple and hauntingly beautiful. Someday Love is a stylistically distinct tune, with its Sgt. Pepper bridge and its circling harmonies.
Carry On is something you turn on at the end of a hard day, have a good cry and say “I will carry on. Thanks for having my back guys.”
Once you pick up their album and fall in love with it as much as I did, you’ll want to take it a step further. Lucky for you, Fortunate Ones are touring right now! Trust me, you want to see this show. You will never see two people who genuinely enjoy each other’s company and your company at a show.
Here’s how I know: Ages before their Bonavista show, they came into the store I work at, and as luck would have it, they needed a hand, giving me the opportunity to talk to them without being a dork about it. When everything was clued up, I let myself get a little fan-girly, telling them that I was a big fan. They both thanked me, Andrew insisting that this was a bigger deal for them then it was for me.
Fast forward by months and months, to the intermission at the Bonavista show. I went out to get a copy of the album and say hello. Upon seeing me, they both hugged me, thanked me for coming, and said “We saw on twitter that you were coming, and we were so excited!”
This album is those hugs and that moment of genuine appreciation in recorded form.
Enjoy this video for The Bliss, featuring scenes from beautiful Bonavista!
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